Friday 27 May 2011

Travel Tips

As a devout travel lover I often can’t resist going on mad rampages telling people about my various excursions overseas. Having been to various Pacific Islands, Australia and Japan I see myself as a reasonably seasoned traveller, despite the fact I can’t navigate an airport and would therefore most likely miss all my flights if I attempted to travel solo. I am probably contradicting myself now, due to the fact todays blog post is on in-flight travel tips: 
  1. If traveling in cattle class, bring appropriate weapons to defend yourself from the savages that travel in this part of the aircraft. You never who you may meet in economy. Being a tall but very skinny person myself, I am at risk of being squashed and having my bones broken if I happen to have two large people on either side of me. To avoid this problem, I recommend frightening them into moving elsewhere. If this fails, abort the mission immediately- Lock yourself in the toilet and refuse to come out for the rest of the flight.
  2. Don’t forget your luggage (sure you hadn’t thought of that one)
  3. Make up a sob stories for the cabin crew so they give you extra attention. Things like: ‘I’m an angel but my wings are clipped’ and ‘ I’m lost’ go down a treat.
  4. Avoid the scrambled eggs at all cost. Its more like scrambled vomit.  
  5. Bring a compass and map of the sea in the event that your seat ejects you james-bond style.  
  6. Be polite and avoid making a scene if the overhead lockers fly open and you are knocked out by falling luggage. There a worse things that could have happened.. like eating vomit or something.
If you follow my simple advice you are sure to have a blast when you reach your destination...  Well hopefully there wouldn’t be an actual ‘blast’- that would be awful.
Ben :)

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