Monday 30 May 2011

Crude Job Observations

The question “Am I Employable” is a difficult one. I mean, I work reasonably hard with a reasonable rate of success but will anybody ever want me to work for them. For those of us who aren’t airs to millions of dollars *cough* Paris Hilton *cough*, having a job can be the difference between living comfortably and crouching outside italian restaurants begging for scraps for the rest of your life.
A job can have many different definitions depending on who you are. For example if I had low standards I would maybe aim to work for Mac Donald’s with the hope of being promoted to McCafe (exciting..) and If I had high standards I could theoretically be aiming to be head of a large global cooperation, however this is not likely as I fear the evil that is associated with these businesses *cough* BP oil scandal *cough*. Some people define their jobs as a way to make money full stop, but others actually enjoy them .. shock horror. 
Others see their jobs as daunting, then again some seem to subconsciously use them as a tool to spy on people. I recently went to a popular Indian restaurant with some friends, for, not surprisingly, a curry. The waiters seemed to be reasonably professional and efficient but there was one unusual waitress of which gazed at us consciously for the duration of our meal, so close that I wondered if she thought her unflattering apron-thing was an invisibility cloak. I was told she was there to ensure that we didn’t run off without paying, more like some sort of crude stakeout if you ask me. So does having a job give one the right to act weirdly?  According to the ignorance she received, yes.
Apparently I am the only one who feels uncomfortable around wait staff in restaurants. Don’t get me wrong I don’t mind a bit of banter with them, but when it comes to the crunch I’d rather not have miss invisibility-apron breathing down my neck. My friends seemed oblivious to the presence of the waitress, and that my blog buddies is the key to it- to be seen but not heard in your jobs. This is the best piece of advice you will ever read [citation desperately needed].
I warn you now, to beware of the conniving wait staff. They no your secrets, your lies, your address and worst of all: they may just know your favourite type of curry.... 

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